
Full stack developer
I specialize in developing sleek and functional online solutions. From polished user interfaces to robust back-end systems, I bring ideas to life in the digital realm.


I am a highly motivated Full-stack JS middle developer with three years of experience in the software development industry. As a creative problem solver with an innovative mindset, I am always eager to utilize my skills and knowledge to develop cutting-edge solutions that meet the needs and expectations of my clients. Being able to work both independently and in a team environment has provided me with valuable experience, which I integrate into my problem-solving skills. My strong communication capacity enables me to work effectively with other team members.

Manuchehr's photo


  • HTML / CSS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • BEM methodology
  • Vue / Nuxt
  • GSAP
  • GraphQL (Apollo client)
  • Node
  • Express
  • Nest
  • Prisma ORM / Mongoose
  • PostgreSQL / MongoDB
  • HLS & ffmpeg video streaming
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Docker
  • WS /
  • S.O.L.I.D.
  • Figma (UI/UX design)
  • Nginx (devops)


June 2024 - Present


Full stack engineer - Full-time

Currently working at Urbandrive startup company as a full stack engineer. I do both the backend and the frontend sides of the startup. Not a big team, friendly and open-minded people here. The job is hybrid, mainly I work online and go to the office twice a week. I'm new here, nothing to say more.

Oct 2022 - Jul 2023 (10 mos)

United IT Company

Frontend developer - Full-time

I worked at UIC Group about 10 months and I figured out a lot of new things and gained much experience. My team was great and helpful and there are open-minded, talkative, friendly developers on almost every team. As I mentioned I got much experience like I worked Payment systems for more than months in (LimonPay & Paylov) projects and more than 50+ projects. And as a Team Lead assistant, I learned how to control the team and I interviewed more than 15 candidates. The best thing was the variety of projects: I worked on a vast variety of projects.

Aug 2021 - Aug 2022 (1 yr)


Freelancer - Part-time

As a freelancer, I worked for some companies, learning centers, and agencies. And also completed couple of projects and I had to work as frontend/backend developer, figma UI/UX designer, project manager, devops. During this period I also practiced hard every single day and did not stop learning. The benefit side of working as a freelancer - having more time to practice.

Aug 2020 - Jul 2021 (1 yr)

Phoenix Tashkent (unofficial)

Full stack developer - Part-time

I worked remotely in thI worked for this company remotely and unofficially. They gave me whole projects just for me and I should complete projects alone. Yes, the projects weren't too big but I learned to work alone and fix problems myself. But the worst thing is that being the best in one company is not good I think, because in my opinion this type of people is not growing enough therefore I always try to be with developers who have great experience and knowledge in is unofficial company.




24th July 2024

It's like e-library that you can get information about books and you can read/listen for free in its app. Me and friend of mine did this project together. I mainly did the header, search, books & book pages with their SEO parts as well.

  • Nuxt 3

Premium Pro


29th June 2024

This is an e-commerce website that sells perfumes. You can authenticate & make purchases with your credit card or bonuses. I did some refactoring and the scripting (functional) part of this platform.

  • Nuxt 3
  • e-commerce

Jizzakh International School


29th March 2024

I did design, front-end and back-end (full project) sides of this project and also deployed to server. Also I did the Dashboard side it of it with my team Introdevs. We made a full school-dashboard for this private school.

  • Nest
  • Nuxt 3
  • Design
  • Dashboard
  • Devops
  • nginx

International Medical Services


25th October 2023

I was lead full-stack developer in this project. I completed this project with my team Introdevs. I designed this website, reviewed & helped all frontender's merge requests, and did the backend side of it.

  • Nest
  • Nuxt 3
  • Design
  • pdfmake
  • Payeezy
  • Clover
  • Devops
  • nginx

Online learning platform


16th September 2023

I did the backend side of this project for IT Live learning center. You can purchase online courses via Payme payment system & if you have an access, you can create your own courses.

  • Nest
  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Payme
  • Backend
  • HLS
  • Devops
  • nginx


21st November 2023

Generate a pdf file that contains information about yourself (kinda CV but it's standard in Uzbekistan). The frontend side is poor, I know, because I focused the functional part of it most.

  • pdfmake
  • Vue
  • JavaScript

Euro Study Info


14th July 2022

Landing page for Euro Study Info consulting agency. Discover and apply online for exciting educational opportunities in just a few clicks.

  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript

Ako cars landing


11st September 2021

Landing page for Ako cars app. This was one of the first projects that I got from Upwork. The client was friendly and open-minded.

  • Vue
  • SCSS
  • JavaScript

Telegram bot receiver


25th April 2021

This site helps you easily receive data from Telegram BOT. You need to place your Telegram bot TOKEN for the site to work.

  • Vue
  • Telegram API
